Most of us nannies do this because we love what we do, we love children and we love helping to grow them into the people we want to see in this world. We love it all so much that we do it for far too long, much longer than anyone intended us to;

1 - When people ask if you have children... you always answer yes (at first anyway).
No of course we don't really, well some of us actually do. However for the most part we are talking about our nanny children, who to us may as well be our own.
2 - Police cars, ambulances and fire engines are no longer called their real names.. Instead they are now called Nee Naw cars.
Day in and day out we hear "I hear a Nee Naw" so it kind of gets stuck in your head. How many Nee Naw's we do we need to hear before the novelty wears off?! Once I was on a date and I heard one... I then proceed to let the date know this... Not a great date! Pretty extreme I know, but after a full week day and night with 2 little boys it just sort of came out.
3 - Your bag is equipped with wipes at all times, maybe even a nappy or snack.
Out with your friends and carrying your trusty daily bag...? Well lucky you are because they just spilled their food on their shirt and baby wipes work miracles. And bonus points for the snack, someone always gets hungry on the way home!
4 - Mother's come to you for advice.
Forget asking a fellow mother, nannies have seen it all! Most of us having worked with every age, culture, amount of children and gender their is. We have tips and tricks just ready to be heard!
5 - Friday night is chill night.
Forget the TGIF feeling... I call it the TFAN feeling! TIME FOR A NAP. Any nanny will agree that Friday afternoons are like christmas and one of a colder climate where you crawl into bed and don't get up except for the chocolate. Unless you are feeling very brave and you venture to the great outdoors, but not without a nap first!

6 - You have to stop your 'Kid' talk.
If it's a work day and you are off to dinner, on your way you ensure to talk yourself down from children and turn back onto normal you. You remind yourself no one, apart from your nanny friends cares about your children who are not in fact your children.
7 - When an adult asks you why? you say "Because I said so"!
This is not a joke! This is real! That simple 1 worded question is the bane of any mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, nannies existence. A few times I can handle, I love them learning but honestly I already told you why apples are born on trees! "Because I said so".
8 - No one is capable of looking after 'your kids', not like you do...
One night you are not free for babysitting so Mum and Dad ask someone else to step in... That is not ok. You may as well not go out you think about it too much! What is she/he doing? Are they asleep? Did they eat well? She/he wouldn't know what they like. Damn it why didn't I write them a list!
9 - Breakups no longer just involve a partner.
Leaving a family whether you loved the job or not is super hard. The tears stream, the decision is hard, you regret it and then you don't... I'm telling you it's like leaving your high school sweet heart all over again but this time there are multiple people to miss.
10 - You don't babysit for family (often).
Honestly, we would love to but as much as we love and adore the children that are actually much closer in the gene pool to being our children... we just did that all week. Just like I will leave me washing for a month because I have done it all week... Don't take it personally. It's not you, it's me.

Yep, I've been a nanny too long. I just wrote this post in under 10 minutes, that means I am all 10! AHHH
Every time I start with a new family I say, this will be the last time. And.... then I do it all again!
Love C.
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